YOLO Traveller

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Celebrations (and a little magic) in Chianti (Italy)

Visited - April 2017

Location - Castellina in Chianti, Italy

We are presently in Tuscany, Italy, consuming copious amounts of Chianti Classico, ultra fresh pasta, mouth watering steaks, sweet salumi, rich formaggio and of course at the end of it all, smooth grappa!

This is our fourth trip to Italy, and our second to the stunning Tuscany region.

What brought us back on this occasion though, wasn't actually the amazing food and scenery, it was a dear, long time friend Lucy and her birthday (the number will remain unsaid).

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Lucy, her husband Anthony, and their children, are all in Europe celebrating a milestone for (young) Luce.  

To really make a special occasion of the trip, it is a wider family affair, with Anthony's Mum, Sandy, Anthony's sister Juliette, her husband Julian and their children, also making the trip.  Anthony's brother Kirk and his wife Katie have also made a special appearance from their home in Seattle.

Anthony, the man with the plan. His motto "always be prepared, bring two wine glasses, just in case"!

Lucy of course knew all of the family would be coming, but she had no idea we would also make a surprise arrival.  Anthony and A had been organising this event for well over six months.  When he floated the idea to us, of course we immediately said yes.

So Thursday evening, while Lucy and the family were sitting around the fire place in their farm house, in we walk, and the surprise worked an absolute treat :)

To date there has been much reminiscing and celebrating over fine wine and food.  We have known Lucy since 8th grade, Kirk also went to the same school (a couple years ahead of us) and we have travelled with Juliette many moons ago (including a hugely memorable trip to Nepal, plus a number of rendezvous in London).

For now, another bottle needs opening, so our Italian adventures are ...

To be continued ...

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